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Only in Vegas? On-Board 4,500 People in Less than 90 Days through Identity and Access Management

Casino-style identity and access management.

Imagine what it would take to securely on-board 4,500 people over three months. As the first member of the Las Vegas strip community to embrace and deploy identity and access management software, The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas accomplished precisely that. How exactly did they do it?

The Cosmopolitan implemented an automated identity and access management software solution that systemized and streamlined user provisioning and access management protocols during the onboarding process. The first step was to define system and process workflows along with access and role requirements based on standardized job functions and segregation of duties matrices within the HR system. Next, The Cosmopolitan used workflow automation within the identity and access management system for approvals based on the assigned manager with their business operations. This automated workflow approval system and process ensured that employees were only granted access to systems, applications, files and data essential to perform their job functions that were appropriate, clearly delineated, and readily reportable as part of an audit review.

How does automated identity and access management work? First, you use mass enrollment for existing employees, contractors and consultants who access your enterprise. When a new hire is added to the system, the identity and access management system automatically creates a new account based on the job position and role before granting access permissions and system privileges. This way you eliminate cumbersome, manual process for on-boarding without subjectivity and human error.

The same advantages apply to termination process. Once termination information is updated in an HR system, all accounts are disabled across the board instantaneously. Because the process is automated, the HR department can reduce their risk expose when disgruntled employees are terminated, because they immediately lose access to critical files and confidential data. This feature closes the window of opportunity when such unauthorized actions will most likely be taken. These user provisioning and access automation advantages also deliver similar benefits for transfers too.

What was the impact for The Cosmopolitan of Las Vegas? Their automated identity and access management software integrated with their HR application system to allow the organization to on-board 4,500 people under the oversight of a single IT security administrator. Furthermore, their automated user provisioning processes applies and enforces business rules for PCI DSS and HIPAA compliance regulations.

In addition to the simplification of the on-boarding and termination process, the organization realized the benefits of self-service password reset capabilities — a 30% reduction in Help Desk calls through this measure alone. The Cosmopolitan Las Vegas was not only able to ramp up its staffing quickly but also achieve significantly better operational efficiency and effectiveness.

Identity and access management user provisioning software makes the seemingly impossible achievable. By implementing Avatier’s software solution, The Cosmopolitan Las Vegas was able to ramp up quickly by streamlining employee onboarding, transfers, and terminations through automated user account set-up and role-based user provisioning protocols.

Once the user accounts were set-up, mass enrollment with workflow automation for password synchronization and self-service password reset capabilities further streamlined IT operations by minimizing manually unnecessary and time consuming Help Desk.

The automation of the termination process ensured that The Cosmopolitan was protected on the back end — the HR department could quickly and comprehensively shut off access to protect network systems and security while readily possessing the capability to report on compliance reviews as needed.

When you’re looking to scale quickly, organizational impact and IT resource constraints are always a concern. The key to success is automating labor intensive workflow and routine manual processes while enforcing compliance regulations and supporting industry best practices to streamline business performance management operations. With identity and access management automation, you eliminate lag time, improve information security, unburden your Help Desk and HR departments while freeing your staff to securely do what they do best — run and grow your business and  that’s the bottom line.

Watch the Identity and Access Management Product Introduction Video

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