
How Governance Platforms Rein in Unsanctioned Access

Taking Control Of Unsanctioned Access: The Role Of Self-Service Management In Governance Platforms

Access governance ensures that the right people have the right access to resources and that control is maintained and security breaches are reduced. The dynamic digital environment and the complexity of access management call for robust solutions to enable organizations to organize their processes and adhere to compliance.

Self-service management is one of the important aspects of effective access governance. Access management with traditional ways used the manual process and the involvement of IT administrators in access rights granting and revoking. This approach was quite slow, error-prone, and unproductive. Conversely, self-service management allows the users to manage their own rights up to certain limits, hence, unburdening IT administrators and boosting overall productivity.

The Key Features of Self-Service Management In Access Governance Platforms

Self-service management in access governance platforms offers many functionalities that allow organizations to better control unauthorized access. These features include:

  • Self-Service Group Automation: With self-service group automation, organizations can automate access rights granting and revoking activities based on defined criteria. Users can issue a request to specific groups or roles, which will subsequently be automatically evaluated by the system according to predefined policies and rules. This also provides access or denial criteria that are standardized thereby reducing human error and promoting uniformity across the organization.
  • SARP: Self-service management allows end-users to submit access requests by using the access governance platform. Hence, manual paperwork or request through email is not required, which makes the whole process organized. Users can specify the resources they need and the reasons for their requests. After that, the platform channels the request to the relevant approver who may review and approve, or deny, as per the pre-defined policies. In this manner, access provisioning is much more time and effort-effective, but control and accountability are retained.
  • Role-Based Access Control Self-service:  management is the foundation of RBAC in the access governance platforms. In the RBAC model organizations can define roles with specific access rights and assign users to these roles. Then the users can request access to some roles and their requests are checked against the rules and policies defined. With this approach, it is possible to grant access rights based on roles and obligations and thus, no unauthorized access is allowed. Compliance with regulatory standards is also assured.

Self-Service Management Implementation In Your Company

Self-service management in your organization requires careful planning and thinking. Here are some steps to guide you through the process. The following steps will help you:

  • Policy and Rules:  Setting Before self-service management is implemented, access policies and rules should be defined that meet the security requirements of your organization and compliance obligations. Identify the assets that need to be protected and the roles and duties in the organization. Delineate the access rights for each role and the policies for granting or revoking access. The policies and processes will form the foundation of your self-service management system.
  • Choose the Right Access Governance System:  Choosing the right access governance platform is essential for successful implementation. Locate a self-service management platform, which offers robust self-service management capabilities, including self-service group automation, easy access request workflows, and role-based access control. Consider such issues as scalability, integration with other systems, and ease of use. An in-depth analysis of the available alternatives will help you choose a platform that fits the needs of your organization most appropriately.
  • Communication as well as User Training:  For the change to self-service management to be successful, it is important to explain to your users the benefits to be derived and the goals of the new system. Provide them with training and material that will teach them how to utilize the access governance platform successfully. Illuminate the importance of responsible access management and the role of self-service management in maintaining security and compliance. Good communication and training will make users to assume control of their access rights and hence minimize the chances of unauthorized access.

Conclusion: Self-Service Management Provision Of Control To Users

In conclusion, self-service management is a key factor in getting rid of unauthorized access in organizations. Utilizing self-service group automation, simplified access request processes, and role-based access control, organizations allow users to take control of their access rights while maintaining control, thus minimizing the risk of unauthorized access, and ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

The planning of self-service management should be given critical consideration, such as defining the policies and rules of access, choosing the right access governance platform, and communication and user training. By the actions described above, the organization will be able to implement self-service management and in that way, to improve the efficiency and security of the access management processes.

Start you free trial of access governance platform today and release your organization from unauthorized access. Empower your users and retain control and compliance.



