
Tag: enterprise password manager

  • ING DIRECT Realized its Return on Investment With Avatier’s Password Management Within Six Months

    ING DIRECT Realized its Return on Investment With Avatier’s Password Management Within Six Months

    ING DIRECT is the United State’s fourth-largest savings bank and its largest online bank. Their goal is to maintain a very high level of operational efficiency, and security is extremely important. They were looking for a way to institute stricter password policies without increasing the help desk workload. The solution also needed to scale with…

  • The White House Wants To Pass On Passwords. Can we?

    It is very positive news that the government is focused on improving authentication and identity management beyond the old-school usage of passwords, a huge security flaw in any enterprise system. After all, a typical eight character password has 6.1 quadrillion possible combinations. So we can feel pretty safe, right? Wrong. Just three years ago, it…

  • Have A Hacker Over For The Holidays

    Have A Hacker Over For The Holidays

    Cyber Carol ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, many creatures were stirring while holding a mouse. Their stockings were hung by computers with care, in hopes that their breakins soon would be there. It turns out you don’t really need to invite a hacker over for the Holidays… they’ve invited themselves.…



    Avatier LANDESK Partnership. Today we announced a tremendous new partnership with LANDESK Software. It is our first OEM relationship and represents a dramatic new growth phase for Avatier. LANDESK will be using our innovative self-service password reset tool as part of their LANDESK Service Desk in their Password Central product. Our enterprise password manager will be integrated…