
Tag: Active Directory password reset

  • ING DIRECT Realized its Return on Investment With Avatier’s Password Management Within Six Months

    ING DIRECT Realized its Return on Investment With Avatier’s Password Management Within Six Months

    ING DIRECT is the United State’s fourth-largest savings bank and its largest online bank. Their goal is to maintain a very high level of operational efficiency, and security is extremely important. They were looking for a way to institute stricter password policies without increasing the help desk workload. The solution also needed to scale with…

  • Have A Hacker Over For The Holidays

    Have A Hacker Over For The Holidays

    Cyber Carol ‘Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, many creatures were stirring while holding a mouse. Their stockings were hung by computers with care, in hopes that their breakins soon would be there. It turns out you don’t really need to invite a hacker over for the Holidays… they’ve invited themselves.…

  • Put the BUSINESS in your IT Service Catalog

    Put the BUSINESS in your IT Service Catalog

    IT service catalog like shopping. IT Service Management is a hot topic for many CIOs as they strive to improve operations, and implementing a Service Catalog helps the business and IT understand what services they truly provide to the business. Unfortunately, many organizations only focus on an “IT” Service Catalog rather than thinking holistically of the…