Avatier Corporation holds information security and the privacy of personal information paramount. Avatier regards customer and organizational trust as the utmost privilege. Avatier commits itself and reputation as an information security company to protecting personal information.
Avatier complies with United States federal and California state personal identification and information privacy laws, which relate to the transparency, accountability, collection and use of personal information. The Avatier Privacy Policy describes our methods for collecting personal data and use of this information on the website at www.avatier.com. For questions regarding the Avatier Privacy Policy and practices, please contact us at [email protected].
Avatier meets or exceeds the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Fair Information Practices for information privacy and data protection. With regard to the use and retention of personal information, Avatier adheres to the strictest U.S. Department’s conditions and recommendations for data collection, transfer, distribution, access, publication, integrity, security and notifications.
Access to password protected and secure areas of the Avatier website are restricted to authorized personnel. Unauthorized access, security breach attempts, and cyber attacks to the Avatier website, social media platforms and blog are prohibited. Such actions can lead to criminal prosecution.
Avatier may block access to our website, blog and social media platforms from Internet servers without notice when security breaches are suspected or malicious actions detected. When this happens, the server’s Internet Service Provider will be notified of the server’s IP address along with the activities time and duration of occurrence.
Privacy Statement
The Privacy Policy helps customers; prospects and business professionals understand Avatier’s collection and use personally identifiable information.
Avatier collects and retains personal information only when you voluntarily provided it. Avatier collects email addresses and personal information from the Avatier website as a means for us to contact you. By voluntarily providing personal information, you consent to Avatier’s collection and use for follow up.
The personal information Avatier collects includes first and last names, e-mail addresses, company street addresses, office phone numbers, and personal cell phone numbers. Website collection methods include, and are not limited to: download forms, webinar registrations, price quotes, support requests and RSVPs to conference and company events.
Avatier collects information whenever you express an interest in information about the Avatier Identity Management System (AIMS) and submit an online request. Your personal information is used for answering questions, improving content, developing new services and tracking requests. Avatier retains information as needed to: comply with federal and state laws, regulations and policies, resolve disputes, and fulfill requests.
Information Use
Avatier does not provide personal information to third parties. Avatier may use this information for marketing purposes. Avatier does not share, sell, rent, or trade personal information with third parties. Avatier may use this information to send material about Avatier products, services and solutions. Avatier does not give, sell, rent, or loan personal information to third parties, without prior consent.
Avatier retains personal information for as long as needed. Avatier may disclose personal information in response to legal requests and comply with legal processes. Avatier may use personal information to: protect and defend the corporation’s physical and intellectual property; take action against threats to personal safety; report service and Terms of Service violations, and for reasons of national security.
Avatier may provide non-personal, summary and group statistics about our customers, sales, website and social media traffic, and service information to third party vendors. This information and statistics does not include personal information.
In completing an Avatier support request, customer data loads onto Avatier servers. Avatier does not share or distribute customer information except as stipulated in the contractual agreement between the Avatier Corporation and our customers as required by law. Customers should refer to their Avatier Service Level Agreement (SLA) for details.
When updates are made to the Privacy Policy regarding the use of personal information, Avatier will post announcements on their website prior to the change going into effect.
Cookies and Browser Technologies
Avatier automatically collects information through the use of cookies on its website. When visitors interact with our website, Avatier sends cookies to their computers. Cookie data does not include personal information. Cookies recognize a visitor’s Web browser, equipment, point of access, and migration through our website. When interacting with our website, Avatier collects Internet Protocol (IP) addresses, browser information and operating systems to track and monitor regions, domains and social media platforms that funnel traffic to our website.
Our website cookies identify tailor content to your preferences, access point, and equipment profile. Avatier observes visitor activities and interaction with our website, applications and systems. This information is not associated to personal information. This information is used to diagnose website technical issues, generate lead opportunities, track website traffic patterns, and identity trends. This cookie information is anonymous and not personally identifiable unless you complete an Avatier website form.
Avatier cookies are session-based so they disappear upon closing a browser or turning off a computer. Avatier does not use cookies to read other information on your computer’s hard drive.
Social Media Platforms and Web Backlinks
Avatier content is intended for social media distribution. The Avatier website is optimized for the easy and reliable sharing of content through social media and video server channels. Avatier also offers a publicly accessible blog. The Avatier website includes technologies for sharing content primarily with the social media platforms Google+, LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Vimeo along with others.
When Avatier content is shared from our website, blog, and video channels via social media, Avatier captures the IP address of the page. Once content is shared through a social media platform, the material, its use, and distribution are governed by the privacy policy of the respective social media company.
The Avatier website contains backlinks to sites on the worldwide web that Avatier does not own or control. Avatier is not responsible for the privacy practices and content of these sites. Our Privacy Policy applies only to content within the Avatier website, blog and video servers, the cookies deployed by Avatier administrators, and the personal information collected by Avatier website forms.
Company Blogs, Technical Forums and Support Wikis
Avatier publishes publicly accessible blogs, technical forums and support wikis. Customers, prospect and interested parties may post comments to our blog, video channels, social media sites, and wikis. Information added to these sites can be read, collected, and shared by spiders and Internet scrapers outside of Avatier’s control.
On our web, wikis and social media sites, all comments and discussions are moderated. Avatier does not use information posted to an online forum beyond its intended purpose. Personal information voluntarily added to our blog, wikis, and online forums should be made with the awareness that the information may be made available to others inside and outside of Avatier. Comments posted by individuals to online forums, blogs and wikis do not reflect and should not be considered the opinion of Avatier.
Avatier does not maintain direct relationship with individuals who submit personal information to our website. To edit or delete information, appearing on the Avatier website, blog or social media sites, contact your employer. Once an Avatier customer requests the removal of personal information, Avatier will fulfill the request.
To request removal of your personal information from our blogs, technical forums, and support wikis contact [email protected] or submit a request on the Avatier website. Avatier may not be able to fulfill all requests. When Avatier is unable to remove personal information, you will be notified.
Customer Press Releases, Testimonials and Case Studies
Avatier posts on our web site customer press releases, testimonials, and case studies, which may contain personally identifiable information. Before posting employee names and their titles, Avatier receives customer consent via electronic signature.
Once approved, Avatier assumes customers will notify their employees authorizing the use of their personal information. To update or delete personal information contained in a press release, video or case study, send email to [email protected] or submit a request on our website.
Employee Identities
Avatier posts employee names along with their titles and office phone numbers on our web, blog and social media sites. Employee identities appearing on the Avatier site are real who perform the role indicated.
Avatier employees and their personal information on our web, blog, social media, and support sites appear with their consent and approval.
Privacy Policy Changes
Avatier may update its Privacy Policy. Avatier reserves the right to modify this statement at any time. The most current version can be found at any time at https://www.avatier.com/privacy/. When personal information is collected, it is governed by the policy in effect at the time. Before changes are made to our Privacy Policy, Avatier will post a notification announcement on our website. Use of Avatier materials following a Privacy Policy update represents your agreement with the change.
Changing Personal Information and Opt-Out
You may have your Personal Information updated or removed from our records. You may request to opt-out of Avatier marketing communication from our systems. You may also request Avatier delete your personal information. To request changes to your personal information, company, and status, send email to [email protected]or submit a request on the Avatier website.
Contact Us
For questions regarding the Avatier Privacy Policy, send email to [email protected] or submit a request online.
Please send written inquiries to:
Avatier Corporation
Support Services
4733 Chabot Drive
Suite 201
Pleasanton, CA 94588
You may call: (800) 609-8610 –or- (925) 217-5170
Universal Interface Solution
Privacy Policy
Avatier complies with United States federal, California state and EU/GDPR personal identification and information privacy laws, which relate to the transparency, accountability, collection and use of personal information gathered through our cloud offering. This Avatier Privacy Policy describes our methods for collecting personal data and use of the information we collect through our cloud offering interfaces. For questions regarding the Avatier Privacy Policy and practices, please contact us at [email protected].
Avatier meets or exceeds the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Fair Information Practices for information privacy and data protection. With regard to the use and retention of personal information, Avatier adheres to the strictest United States and EU conditions and recommendations for data collection, transfer, distribution, access, publication, integrity, security and notifications.
Access to password protected and secure areas of our cloud service are restricted to authorized personnel.
Avatier may block access to our cloud service without notice when security breaches are suspected or malicious actions detected. When this happens, the server’s Internet Service Provider will be notified of the server’s IP address along with the activities time and duration of occurrence.
Outlook Add-in is included as part of this privacy agreement.
Privacy Statement
The Privacy Policy helps customers; prospects and business professionals understand Avatier’s collection and use personally identifiable information.
Avatier collects and retains personal information only when our customers voluntarily provide it as part of the directory requirement for using our cloud-based offering. Avatier collects first and last names and email addresses of customer employees, contractors, and customers as part of the cloud offering.
Information Use
Avatier does not provide personal information to third parties. Avatier uses the information solely to provide the identity management services that our customers have purchased. Avatier may use this information for marketing purposes. Avatier does not share, sell, rent, or trade personal information with third parties.
Avatier retains personal information in its system for as long as needed. Avatier may disclose personal information in response to legal requests and comply with legal processes. Avatier may use personal information to: protect and defend the corporation’s physical and intellectual property; take action against threats to personal safety; report service and Terms of Service violations, and as required to comply with any US or international laws.
For an Avatier support request, customer data loads onto Avatier servers. Avatier does not share or distribute customer information except as stipulated in the contractual agreement between the Avatier Corporation and our customers as required by law. Customers should refer to their Avatier Service Level Agreement (SLA) for details.
When updates are made to the Privacy Policy regarding the use of personal information, Avatier will post announcements on their website prior to the change going into effect.
To request removal of your personal information from the Avatier cloud based offering contact [email protected] or submit a request on the Avatier website. Avatier may not be able to fulfill all requests but will use best efforts to work with any individual that has had their information provided to Avater via a customer agreement with Avatier. When Avatier is unable to remove personal information, you will be notified.
Privacy Policy Changes
Avatier may update its Privacy Policy. Avatier reserves the right to modify this statement at any time. The most current version can be found at any time at https://www.avatier.com/privacy/. When personal information is collected, it is governed by the policy in effect at the time. Before changes are made to our Privacy Policy, Avatier will post a notification announcement on our website. Use of Avatier materials following a Privacy Policy update represents your agreement with the change.
Changing Personal Information and Opt-Out
To request removal of your personal information from the Avatier cloud based offering contact [email protected]. Avatier may not be able to fulfill all requests but will use best efforts to work with any individual that has had their information provided to Avater via a customer agreement with Avatier. When Avatier is unable to remove personal information, you will be notified.
Contact Us
For questions regarding the Avatier Privacy Policy, send email to [email protected] or submit a request online.
Please send written inquiries to:
Avatier Corporation
Support Services
4733 Chabot Drive
Suite 201
Pleasanton, CA 94588
You may call: (800) 609-8610 –or- (925) 217-5170