
user provisioning

‘No Sweat’ User Provisioning Software for Identity and Access Management… Even in Winter

Automate identity and access management user provisioning.

Winter is not generally associated with people sweating, even in Duluth, Georgia, where high temperatures today were slated to dip into the 40’s. If you’re one of the top 100 hospitals in the United States, though, and handle more than 11,000 transfer requests per quarter, nobody would blame the three people on your staff if they “broke a sweat” over thousands of IT service catalog provisioning requests each quarter.

Fortunately for Georgia’s Gwinnett Medical Center (GMC), handling that kind of volume with a staff of three has become a “No sweat” proposition according to Rick Allen, Assistant VP of Information Services at GMC. Their ability to handle such volume with such ease is not something that could be done merely by adding more personnel. Rather, Allen says GMC needed to look to automated access management and user provisioning, which led them to Avatier’s Lifecycle Management.

“Avatier had a tool that met our needs and exceeded our expectations,” said Allen recently in a video on Avatier’s YouTube channel.

In the video, Allen talks about the benefits of Avatier’s automated IT service catalog user provisioning software capabilities, noting that, “Avatier’s icon-driven system makes it easy. How easy? Our staff of three handled 11,000 transfer requests in the last three months without breaking a sweat.”

The key to the ease-of-use in handling those requests comes directly from Avatier’s access management software being fully integrated with the Lawson Health Care Information System deployed GMC’s Duluth and Lawrenceville campuses. The integration automates user provisioning software with access management.

Kelly Keeler, senior security analyst and supervisor at GMC, explains that, “Avatier automatically generates the user accounts and adds the different access levels and it has saved us so much time.”

Keeler adds that Avatier’s automated identity management software is feature rich which helps GMC keep up with GMC’s rapid growth by automatically adding users and performing user account provisioning.

To learn more about Avatier’s ITIL service catalog solutions watch the Gwinnett Medical Center Customer Testimonial:

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Enable user provisioning software rapid planning, strategic decision-making, and technology innovation. Jump start your user provisioning and identity management initiative. Learn from IT security experts and address the challenges that derail projects.

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Automate identity and access management user provisioning.

Winter is not generally associated with people sweating, even in Duluth, Georgia, where high temperatures today were slated to dip into the 40’s. If you’re one of the top 100 hospitals in the United States, though, and handle more than 11,000 transfer requests per quarter, nobody would blame the three people on your staff if they “broke a sweat” over thousands of IT service catalog provisioning requests each quarter.

Fortunately for Georgia’s Gwinnett Medical Center (GMC), handling that kind of volume with a staff of three has become a “No sweat” proposition according to Rick Allen, Assistant VP of Information Services at GMC. Their ability to handle such volume with such ease is not something that could be done merely by adding more personnel. Rather, Allen says GMC needed to look to automated access management and user provisioning, which led them to Avatier’s Lifecycle Management.

“Avatier had a tool that met our needs and exceeded our expectations,” said Allen recently in a video on Avatier’s YouTube channel.

In the video, Allen talks about the benefits of Avatier’s automated IT service catalog user provisioning software capabilities, noting that, “Avatier’s icon-driven system makes it easy. How easy? Our staff of three handled 11,000 transfer requests in the last three months without breaking a sweat.”

The key to the ease-of-use in handling those requests comes directly from Avatier’s access management software being fully integrated with the Lawson Health Care Information System deployed GMC’s Duluth and Lawrenceville campuses. The integration automates user provisioning software with access management.

Kelly Keeler, senior security analyst and supervisor at GMC, explains that, “Avatier automatically generates the user accounts and adds the different access levels and it has saved us so much time.”

Keeler adds that Avatier’s automated identity management software is feature rich which helps GMC keep up with GMC’s rapid growth by automatically adding users and performing user account provisioning.

To learn more about Avatier’s ITIL service catalog user provisioning watch the Gwinnett Medical Center Customer Testimonial:

Get the Top 10 User Provisioning Best Practices Workbook

Enable user provisioning software rapid planning, strategic decision-making, and technology innovation. Jump start your user provisioning and identity management initiative. Learn from IT security experts and address the challenges that derail projects.

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