
Access Certification

Mastering Access Privileges in IBM 360: A Comprehensive Guide to Granting and Revoking Access

For over four decades, the IBM System/360 (IBM 360) has been the standard for enterprise computing for the mainframe computer. One of these central functions is the ability to control access to data effectively – a function fundamental to data protection and security. To a user like IBM 360, it becomes important to grasp the nitty-gritty of access privileges as part of a well-formed and optimized computing system.

Rights in the context of the IBM 360 are the rights that are given to a user, a program or a process to perform an operation or access a resource for instance files, directories or even a system function. These privileges define what operations can be executed and what other operations are prohibited to allow only the entities that require action to be able to do so.

The Granting And Revoking Of The Access Privileges

Proper management of access privileges is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Data Security: Given that users can potentially access and manipulate data stored on a computer, by managing user accounts, you can minimize the risks of unauthorized access, data leakage, and data loss or damage.
  2. Compliance and Regulatory Requirements: A lot of fields have regulations or guidelines which require the use of strong access control measures. By following these guidelines, it is possible to remain within the boundaries of the law and still prevent any legal or financial repercussions.
  3. Operational Efficiency: One of the critical parts of the IAM system is the ability to grant the employees access to the resources they need for their job and at the same time to restrict the access they do not need as it may cause inefficiencies or even pose certain threats.
  4. Audit and Accountability: Documenting and any changes to the access controls can also be helpful to the auditors, in the case of auditing, tracking of any suspicious activities or breaches to the system.

Common Types Of Access Privileges In IBM 360 

In this section, you will learn about the different types of access privilege levels that exist in the IBM 360.

  1. Read Access: Enabling users to open and access files or folders.
  2. Write Access: Permission to add, change or make new data in files or directories to enable the users to make alterations.
  3. Execute Access: Allows users to execute programs or to enter system commands.
  4. Delete Access: Reads arguments that allow users to delete one or more files or direct their applications.
  5. Administrative Access: Gives the users the maximum level of control; it enables users to control who has access to the system and what configuration is best for the IBM 360.

For efficient access control, it is critical to be acquainted with the acute needs and consequences of every type of access privilege.

Granting Access Privileges In IBM 360

The process of decision-making into granting the access privileges in the IBM 360 is therefore done in a considerate manner with the needs of the users and groups in mind as well as the level of privileges they deserve to be granted. This process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identify User Roles and Responsibilities: Determine how each user or group would need to work within the IBM 360 in terms of the functions that they need to perform.
  2. Determine Appropriate Access Privileges: According to the defined roles and responsibilities, grant the least privilege level required for a user to perform his or her tasks meaning that users should be confined to access only those areas in which they need to perform their duties without infringing on others’ rights or access other parts of the network.
  3. Implement Access Control Mechanisms: The access control features implemented in IBM 360 need to be applied to the set of privileges granted, using tools such as ACLs or security groups.
  4. Document and Communicate Access Privileges: Keep accurate records of all the access rights granted and ensure that the users are fully informed of the level of access granted to them.
  5. Regularly Review and Update Access Privileges: It is also important to verify the access permissions periodically to see that they are still adequate according to the current needs of the organization, or identify modifications in the roles of the users.

The following is a step-by-step guide to issuing access privileges to users in an IBM 360 environment, it will help to maintain the security and efficiency of the system.

Revoking Access Privileges In IBM 360

The process of revocation of access privileges in the context of the IBM 360 is as crucial as that of the grant of the same. There are several scenarios where you may need to revoke access privileges, such as:

  1. Employee Termination or Role Changes: Security measures should also be taken when an employee terminates from the organization or transfers to another department, whereby the access rights should be immediately withdrawn to avoid any violation of the organizational policies.
  2. Security Incidents or Breaches: If there is a breach of security, or if there is suspicion of an unauthorized user, then it may be necessary to disable access to reduce possible threats that are present.
  3. Compliance or Regulatory Requirements: Promotion of new industrial policies at the workplace or even changes in the existing ones might lead to the withdrawal of some of the access rights granted.

The process of revoking access privileges in the IBM 360 typically involves the following steps:

  1. Identify the Affected Access Privileges: To achieve this, it is necessary to specify which particular access rights have to be restricted or canceled according to the specified scenario or requirement.
  2. Implement the Revocation: Disenfranchise the observed access rights by employing the available access control features of IBM 360 and make sure that the changes done in this regard are well recorded and the users or entities that are affected are informed well in advance.
  3. Verify the Revocation: Ensure that the specific access rights have been removed, and that appropriate personnel or organizations can no longer perform formerly permitted activities.
  4. Monitor and Review: The remaining measures are to continue the constant supervision of the IBM 360 environment to make sure that the revoked access privileges work and to prevent any further attempts by the hacker to gain unauthorized access.

It is also important that the proposed steps and procedures for access privilege revocation are properly planned and implemented to further ensure IBM 360 security and privacy.

The Issues In Managing Access Privileges In IBM 360

To effectively manage access privileges in the IBM 360, consider the following best practices:

  1. Implement the Principle of Least Privilege: Grant the lowest possible user rights to users, applications or tasks, and enable them only for the execution of their duties and obligations.
  2. Regularly Review and Update Access Privileges: Regular audits on users and access rights to ensure role changes, promotion, or any new security policy implemented are done and changes made where necessary.
  3. Establish Clear Access Privilege Policies: The second is the creation and implementation of detailed access control policies that lay out the standards for awarding, retracting, and regulating rights and permissions in the typified IBM 360 context.
  4. Maintain Detailed Access Privilege Records: Record all the access rights granted and denied and any reason that supports such action taken as well as the persons or departments affected.
  5. Implement Multi-Factor Authentication: One can tighten security in the IBM 360 environment by insisting on methods like a password together with a code that can only be used once or fingerprints.
  6. Provide Access Privilege Training: Make sure that both your IT personnel and any other users within your organization are aware of the need to manage access privileges with such issues as how to apply for access, how access is granted, and how access is denied.
  7. Utilize Automated Tools: Implement tangible solutions for managing access privileges for IBM 360 including the use of specific automated tools, approvals, and privilege reports.

Hence, following the best practices enumerated below will help you maintain a strong and secure access control environment on your IBM 360 platforms:

Approaches in bestowing and withdrawal of access privileges in IBM 360

The IBM 360 offers several means and ways that can be employed to facilitate the management of access rights. Some of the key tools and techniques include:

  1. Access Control Lists (ACLs): ACLs give the chance to define and regulate access rights to certain files or directories, stating who can create, read, write and delete files.
  2. Security Groups: Security groups are beneficial as they allow you to grant access privileges to a group of people at once, thus making it easy for the organization to enforce compliance with the security policies across the organization’s information technology network.
  3. Resource Access Control Facility (RACF): RACF is a versatile security management that was designed to offer detailed authorization control, user identification, and reconciliation services to the IBM 360 infrastructure.
  4. Automated Provisioning and Deprovisioning: Specific to the IBM 360 environment, use the tools and languages available in this specific platform to develop new applications or modify existing ones to automate the access granting and revoking activities, so that timely and consistent changes can be implemented, when necessary.
  5. Access Privilege Reporting: Write down clear reports concerning the current access rights in your IBM 360 environment and let you know the problems you may have or the areas that require better access rights management.
  6. Approval Workflows: Approval checks should be instituted on access privilege requests so that before they are granted, they have to go through some management level that will approve or reject their implementation.
  7. Audit Logging and Monitoring: These include substantiation of the details of all the changes made to the access privileges, as well as monitoring for any signs of anomalous behavior or unauthorized access attempts.

If used effectively, these tools and techniques can greatly assist in the administration of access rights, furthering security, and adhering to policy and/or legal mandates.

Challenges And Considerations In Granting And Revoking Access Privileges

Managing access privileges in the IBM 360 environment can present several challenges and considerations, including:

  1. Complexity of the IBM 360 Environment: The IBM 360 system is versatile and decomposed into multiple layers with different components and subsystems and therefore, there are many levels of access privilege considerations.
  2. Legacy Applications and Systems: Some IBM 360 environments may contain certain legacy applications or systems that may have unique access privilege demands, and this can make the overall safeguarding of the operating environment more challenging.
  3. Balancing Security and Productivity: It may be challenging to provide adequate access privileges that allow users to be as productive as possible and incorporate practices that protect against various forms of cybersecurity threats adequately.
  4. Regulatory and Compliance Requirements: Certain vendor’s industry-specific regulations, such as HIPAA or PCI DSS, might further complicate the privilege management.
  5. User Education and Awareness: The requirement to engage users in understanding the significance of access privilege management and the part they play in the IBM 360 environment security is important yet not easy to achieve.
  6. Ongoing Monitoring and Maintenance: The access control framework of the IBM 360 environment, which entails the constant assessment of the organization’s access privileges, user roles, and security threats as well as the management of the access control framework, is a task demanding resources and attention.

To achieve this, there is a need to develop a holistic and proactive strategy on access privilege management, with a view of utilizing all the available opportunities in the process, as well as promoting security consciousness amongst the stakeholders in the organization.

Educational Courses For Effective Management Of Access Privileges In IBM 360

Occasionally, only specific expertise and experience can help to learn how to improve access privilege management in the context of the IBM 360. To help you and your team develop the necessary expertise, consider the following training and certification programs:

  1. IBM System Z Technical University: This vast course, provided by IBM, is designed to teach the key aspects of access privilege management, security and compliance about the IBM 360 (System Z) environment.
  2. IBM Certified System Administrator – z/OS Security: This opens the certification program that primarily addresses the set of skills and knowledge needed to properly manage security, including what access rights are, in the context of the IBM 360 (z/OS).
  3. ISACA Certified Information Security Manager (CISM): Though not exclusively pertinent to IBM 360, CISM offers a more expansive view of information security management and access control standards that can be accommodated in other Enterprise systems.
  4. SANS Institute Courses: There are some courses and certifications given by the SANS Institute that may be of use to IBM 360 personnel: The Access Control Course, which is part of the Security Certification Program; The Security Certification Program; and The Compliance Certification Program.
  5. Vendor-Specific Training: The vendors of IBM 360 software and tools including CA Technologies or Broadcom have training and certification programs dedicated directly to their products and services.

It is recommended to apply for these training and certification activities for your team to strengthen the organizational capabilities in the IBM 360 environment and properly manage access privileges, address potential threats and ensure compliance with the established norms.


Being in charge of the access privilege in the IBM 360 environment platform is very essential in managing the computing security and compliance of an enterprise system. This article has introduced you to the main concepts of granting and revoking access privileges, helped you to identify the major types of access privileges, and provided you with the major tips on how to develop a good and safe model of access privileges.

By using the existing tools and approaches, meeting the challenges as well as the considerations, and conducting regular training for your team, you can successfully control the access rights in the IBM 360 environment and protect important data and resources.

If you want to learn more about managing access privileges in IBM 360, begin with the following steps: Start your free trial today! 



