
Leverage Your Already Existing Platforms with AIMS

Looking for an identity management solution that can be easily integrated into your existing platforms such as AS/400 and Active Directory? Don’t waste time migrating, synchronizing, and managing an an entire cloud-based user store. Look no further, as the Avatier Identity Anywhere (AIMS) offers maximum flexibility with maximum cost control as its identity framework seamlessly integrates with what your company is already using.

The Avatier identity management core framework enables deployments in the shortest time at the lowest cost in the industry because it includes identity connectors to over 90 different enterprises and cloud computing applications, operating systems, and directories. Avatier even provides generic connectors that allow integration to your custom applications without further programming. Companies can expect a fast and easy integration with the Avatier suite to widely used software programs, saving both time and money.

DriveTime’s IT Audit Manager Jeremy Russeau was immediately impressed with Avatier’s fast and easy integration with Active Directory and its virtual connector with AS400, unlike many competitors out there. “We try to get everything authenticated off of Active Directory, which was a big selling feature,” he says. “The fact that we could tie everything with Active Directory and have the virtual connectors to provision everything else was a pretty big win-win for us.”

After nine months of testing, installation, and implementation, Russeau proudly states that help desks tickets have reduced by 40% as users now have access to resetting their own passwords using Password Management. The entire process has now become self automated and simplified.


Click here to see all of Avatier’s identity connectors.



