
Avatier is at LANDESK Interchange 2014

LANDESK Interchange 2014 an Educational Event for IT Experts

Learning that happens at LANDESK Interchange won’t stay in Vegas.

With LANDESK Interchange 2014 a few days away, I could not be more excited about this year’s sessions, workshops and roundtable discussions. As someone involved in both education and marketing, I must confess I find conferences with an educational focus of greater value than their marketing counterparts. It’s not that I prefer education conferences over others. It’s conferences that put education as the focus deliver greater value. They also reveal more about a company’s true brand and identity.

LANDESK Interchange combines what I love most: technology development, innovation and experts. It offers training, testimonials and roundtable discussions from hands-on professionals who really do the work. The event presents solutions without layers of marketing promises.

This year’s Interchange 2014 focuses on quickly and effectively deploying solutions and securing networks. The 2014 Interchange agenda speaks volumes for the benefits in optimizing help desk services through IT automation and delegated administration.

Quite frankly, who does not want to improve efficiency and security at a lower cost?

Start With Self-Service Enterprise Password Management

As a new LANDESK partner, Avatier will proudly showcase Password Central in two sessions. With Password Central a featured solution at Interchange 2014, Avatier will host sessions #412 – Introduction to Password Reset with LANDESK Password Central from 2:45 to 3:45 PM on Tuesday May 20th. This session will be followed by session #201 – Password Central Customer Case Study at 4:00 PM in the same venue.

Session #412 will demonstrate how LANDESK uses Avatier’s password management system to deliver customer value. With Password Central, LANDESK applies their style sheets to brand Avatier solutions as their own. During this session, you will learn how LANDESK customers eliminate up to 30% of the requests to their service desk.

Password reset requests create a productivity drain on help desk staff. They also represent a major frustration for users when work is interrupted. With self-service enterprise password management, you empower business users. With a self-service password management system, business users can reset their passwords. With Avatier, they can reset passwords from any device without service desk intervention.

Session #201, Password Central Customer Case Study, will include Rick Allen, Healthcare IT Executive and Cox Enterprises’ Vic Chandar. This session will provide first hand customer experiences in quickly deploying our solutions. It will feature how to make organizations more efficient while concurrently reducing service desk burden. Avatier CEO Nelson Cicchitto will moderate this interactive discussion.

Come learn how your organization can experience the same benefits.

XP Migration, OSD Provisioning, and BYOD Management

Sessions that look promising include #725 – Roundtable: Migration XP migration roundtable and several related to ITIL provisioning. The user provisioning sessions offer compelling ways to extend LANDESK’s ITIL framework. Such models include integration with IT service catalog and user provisioning systems. These systems quickly configure to the Service Desk ticketing system. In these hybrid solutions, incidents are recorded in the ITIL system and user requests through an online store. I’m setting high expectations for session #409 – The ITIL Service Desk: ITIL and LANDESK Service Desk.

Hybrid provisioning solutions offer a familiar self-service user experience via an online shopping cart. Using a hybrid framework, administrators can even initiate tickets and complete bulk administration from the online store. A hybrid user provisioning or business service catalog represents an optimum approach for implementing Service Desk. This framework enables business-centric delegated administration with unified Service Desk integration.

With this approach, using provisioning becomes the path for OSD migration. Through the employee lifecycle, provisioning best practices and business rules are automated. The approach treats BYOD and corporate-owned equipment as items to provision, govern and audit. It considers cloud services, enterprise applications, IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS provisioning similar to stocking a store. Using a holistic approach to the management of applications, access, assets and literally the entire enterprise ecosystem, you apply fiscal control, accountability and business focus. As you may gather, I’m hoping for a little knowledge transfer with the leaders from session #900 – Provisioning – Path from OSD to Provisioning.

In my earnestness, I almost forgot. LANDESK Interchange 2014 is at Mandalay Bay Las Vegas. So please join us. No one will mention you attended the sessions. Remember the rule. What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas even when you spend your time learning.

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