
How to Survive from Online Predators using IAM Solutions for Stronger Cybersecurity Measures

Cyber security should be a company’s top priority. Protecting important company information and assets from hackers should start from having a strong foundation. This will require a solutions system that will not only improve risk management and security practices but also detect and prevent any incoming cyber attacks. Avatier Identity and Access Management (IAM) offers a solution that encompasses many different facets to help improve the overall IT security system.

One key component of Avatier IAM solutions is its password reset solution called Password Management. This preventive measure will provide multiple authentication processes such as text messaging and email verification. To be even more secured, Password Management also introduces MFA biometrics, allowing users to reset and synchronize their passwords through facial recognition, voice identification, and fingerprint scanning. These features give users self-service password resets, giving the power to user’s unique identity, which will strengthen your organization’s security.


Another way to strengthen IT security through Avatier IAM solutions is through its Single Sign-On. This solution will help simplify multiple usernames and passwords on different applications into one, making it much easier for users to remember. Single Sign-On coincides with Avatier Password Bouncer, a centralized management console that prevents vulnerable passwords from being created. User experiences will ultimately be enhanced as they no longer need to go through redundant log in processes all while improving the security of the enterprise.

Managing cyber security risks can be tedious and tricky. A great start to a better IT security system is through the adoption of an IAM program which will reinforce various solutions to strengthen and protect a company’s information.

To learn more, please visit Avatier Identity Management Products.

