Enterprise password management bottom line.
In today’s age of technology, where new functionality comes out almost weekly, it is easy to get caught up in the latest gadgets, gizmos and apps. Unfortunately, when it comes to the realm of IT cyber security — and enterprise password management in particular — all the gadgets, gizmos and apps can’t replace good old fashioned discretion and the historically mundane technologies of an enterprise password manager… mundane, but effective.
Sure, enterprise password management software may be humdrum, tedious and routine, but as Dan Tynan recently quipped in PC World:
“Password management programs are like spam filters—boring but essential tools for managing your digital life. A good password manager remembers all of your logins, replaces the simple passwords you choose with complex ones, and lets you change those passwords quickly if a site or service you use gets hacked.”
Back when all people needed to know were the logins for their work computers and ATM, a password management system involved little more than keeping those numbers a secret. Fast forward to modern technology — passwords are needed for your home computer, work computer, mobile phone, tablet and every application that might involve payments or which has personal information stored. Keeping these passwords straight comes down to two options: write all your passwords down and hope that notebook or piece of paper doesn’t get lost, or sync everything with a single password and protect it through a password management system.
It’s also worth noting that password management isn’t just for individuals anymore. One of the largest corporate overheads is the cost associated with calls for help desk password reset in order for users to reset passwords or unlock accounts due to forgotten passwords. When a company employs a password management system, though, employees can perform a self-service password reset, meaning there is no need for employees to call a help desk and wait for a technician to reset their password, a costly process that can take a long time.
*Benefits of employing a good enterprise password management system fall into two categories:
Corporate Password Management
̶‐ Provides employees with the tools for a self service password reset, securely, in seconds anytime, from anywhere
‐ Employees can reset via a web browser without contacting the help desk
‐ When Help Desk calls are needed, securely verify the user identity prior to providing assistance
*Security Boosting
‐ Cull existing weak passwords from end user accounts as old passwords expire and new ones are entered by users
‐ Eliminate the need to constantly audit and educate users with weak passwords, saving hundreds of hours of administrative time each year by deploying an automated password reset tool with built-in audit controls.
‐ Prevents network compromises caused by weak passwords
So while it might not be exciting, the savings that result from a solid enterprise password management system make it too important to take a pass on it.
Learn about Password Management, the Avatier enterprise password management software solution for corporate password management and self service password reset tool.
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