Category: Identity Anywhere
What Is Digital Transformation?
Digital transformation is a buzzword we hear more and more each year. It seems like a new spin on the dotcom era “New Economy” that emerged 20 years ago. Before you dismiss this opportunity and continue with business as usual, there’s more to know about this trend. The first step to go beyond the hype…
Are You Cloud First or Cloud-by-Accident?
Deciding whether to use cloud services is no longer the central IT question. Every enterprise, even security-conscious government departments, use the cloud. The key question is this: are you operating on a cloud-first strategy? Your answer to this question will shape the rest of your IT strategy. Let’s zoom out for a moment to put…
7 Ways to Get More from Your Containers
You’ve implemented container technology; that’s great! Yet, nothing much seems to be happening. You aren’t seeing a more efficient IT organization. None of your key performance indicators (KPIs) are moving. How’s that possible? There are several possible explanations, both technical and non-technical. First, realize something. Failing to get immediate benefits from container technology doesn’t make…
Avatier vs. NetIQ: Comparing Identity and Access Solutions
IT staff is facing an increasingly complex digital landscape where it’s necessary to maintain high security while balancing wide-reaching digital access. There’s a mixed environment of local servers, clouds, and third-party hosts combined with multiple access points from workstations, remote access, and mobile device. Scale these access dynamics across your company to understand the complex…
Before You Implement OpenID, Answer These 7 Questions
Adopting OpenID is one way to improve your organization’s identity management issues. Yet, it isn’t right for everyone. For example, startups and small businesses probably don’t need this technology. At the other end of the spectrum, you probably have legacy identity management processes. Understanding your maturity is just one issue to consider. Simplify the OpenID…
Which Docker Container Training Should You Use?
You’ve added Docker container technology to your organization. Congratulations! Now, how do you make the most of that investment? If you don’t develop a program to maximize containers, the technology won’t do much. That’s not going make a difference. You need to equip your staff to leverage Docker containers effectively. The Challenge for Technology Managers…
Stop the Bleeding in Cybersecurity Using Multi-tier Defenses
There’s a problem in the business world; it shows up in many different forms. The idea that a single change or a single solution is enough is a trap. In cybersecurity, forcing employees to try harder isn’t enough, although that may be needed. That “work harder” directive may fail if employees have poor tools or…
Scale Up Your Platform’s APIs and External Users Securely with These 6 Tips
Build a platform and your business will grow faster. Even better, you don’t have to rely upon your resources for growth. External users, such as consultants, open source developers, and others, will help. Take Slack for example. The company’s growth to $200 million in annual recurring revenue depended upon several strategies, including integrations with 1,000…
5 Ways to Improve Mobile App Security in the Enterprise
You’ve equipped your workforce with mobile apps, but you might have created a new problem. It’s not what you think; we’re not talking about your staff becoming hooked on social media or games. It’s a far more severe threat to your company: mobile app security. How Mobile Devices Became Critical to Modern Business The rise…
Demystify Cloud SSO Security Success in Five Steps
Why should you work on securing access and login credentials in the cloud? After all, you might think that your cloud and SaaS providers already provide robust security. Why go further? That’s what you’re going to find out here, while learning how to get your access program organized. Why Does Systematizing Access for Cloud Services…
The 7 Habits of Highly Secure Defense Industry Cloud Computing
Landing a contract with the Pentagon is a major win worth celebrating. The procurement process can take months or years depending on what you’re selling. If you play your cards right, you can keep the government as a customer for years to come. It’s a great way to build a business. There’s just one factor…
The Two-Part Strategy To Implement Containers If You Have Legacy Systems
You’ve heard about container technology; however, will it work with your infrastructure? Find out the answer today. For most situations, you’ll be able to run all your applications and other systems through containers. In fact, you run Microsoft and Linux operating systems in containers. With any technology situation, the devil is in the details. To…
Before You Implement Containers, Read These 5 Questions
The reign of virtual machines is ending. As IT research firm Gartner put it in 2016, the virtualization market is mature. That’s a polite way to say that innovation is slowing down. You probably aren’t going to see significant improvements. Instead of maintaining the status quo, go ahead and move on to the next opportunity.…
The Hidden Dangers In Third-Party Container Security And How To Solve Them
You just signed an outsourcing agreement with a top vendor. They’re going to take care of all your Docker containers. Fantastic! You can move on to other issues. Listen up; if that’s how you think about managing your company’s technology, you’re in for a wakeup call. Outsourcing is a good way to access expertise from…
Will Container Encryption Keep Your Organization Safe?
Your developers have started to use developers so you can scale up. It’s a popular strategy because you can save time and effort on configuring operating systems. That’s not all. Making containers and other innovative technology available in your organization means you can attract and retain technical talent easier. Like any new technology, there are…
The Fatal Roadblock On The Road To Container Productivity
You walk into the office tomorrow and get the bad news. The CIO is canceling support for your container project. That’s a painful decision to hear, especially if you’ve been working at spreading the good news about container technology for weeks. Why did this happen? You know that implementing containers help to retain technical talent.…
Unleash Docker Productivity With These 10 Resources
Your team is excited about using Dockers, but they don’t quite know their way around the technology. Not to worry – we’ve got you covered. Use these resources to help your team to get underway. Bookmark this page even if you have a team that knows Docker containers inside out so you can give this…
8 Docker Implementation Mistakes You Need To Avoid
You want to put Docker technology to use at your company. You might have heard about the productivity benefits of using Dockers. Alternatively, you appreciate the fact that you can use Docker technology to engage and retain your technical talent. However, there’s just one difficulty to keep in mind: Docker technology needs the right support…
The Unexpected Way To Protect Yourself from SQL Injection Attacks
Your website is there to serve your customers and prospects. It is your virtual storefront to the world, and it is open 24/7/365. All of those web forms, database powered features and interactive capabilities carry a risk. Your website may be vulnerable to SQL attacks — a particularly powerful hacking technique. The first step is…
How Containers Improve Application Configuration Management
What prevents your organization from retaining technical talent and avoiding expensive recruiting campaigns? Market factors like pay and benefits are a big part of the story. However, we find that most managers tend to miss the more subtle elements that push talented professionals to disengage or even resign from your organization. Highly skilled developers, engineers,…
Containers 101: An Introduction to Improving Your Technical Performance
You’ve heard about containers, but why do they matter? How can they improve your technical performance? We’ve got you covered in this “Containers 101” introduction. You’ll find out how containers increase reliability and productivity, so you can scale your business. Paste this Image on Your Site! Simply copy and paste the code below and you…
Losing the War for IT Uptime? Get This Secret Weapon
Even years later, we remember the day when Gmail went down for a part of the day. That rare service failure stood out because Google has an outstanding reputation for service quality and IT uptime. Your company may not offer online services. However, IT uptime is critically important. Why Does IT Uptime Matter for Your…
Get the Edge in the War for Technical Talent With Containers
Let’s talk about winning the war for technical talent. It is incredibly tough. Here’s what the Boston Globe reported in 2016: Software developers right out of college can command starting salaries of up to $90,000. Once in their jobs, they can get as many as 20 recruiting calls a day trying to convince them to…
Reduce Your Attack Surface With Identity Everywhere
Containers are here to stay because they are much more efficient than virtual machines. Unfortunately, identity and access management have lagged behind containers until recently. Identity-as-a-Container (IdaaC) brings identity management into the container era. Containers: Better Than Traditional Virtual Machines Why are so many organizations adopting containerization to manage their systems? It comes down to…
Improve Developer Productivity Using Containers: The Two-Part Strategy
Your technical staff is drowning in low-value administrative work. Every day, we see IT professionals spending time on manual tasks. For some departments, it is reviewing server configurations. Alternatively, it might be checking how operating systems are configured. These tasks do add value and improve quality. However, they do not represent the best use of…