Category: Access Governance
How an Identity Manager Stops Edward Snowden Administrators
Privileged whistleblower. Since Edward Snowden’s release of over 1.7 million classified NSA documents, trusted identities and privileges require re-examination. While opinions regarding Snowden range from traitor to Noble Prize winner, his actions delivered a wake up call to IT leaders. As an IT security professional, whether you support or abhor Snowden’s actions, you must take…
Identity Management and IT Security Practices to Prevent Target-like Cyber Theft
IT security alerted. Last Friday near the end of day I thought I would speak to one of our engineers about this blog topic. Coincidentally, 5 minutes into our conversation, he received an alert indicating unusual resource consumption on our blogging server. Upon examination, someone accessing our login page from a server in New Jersey…
Avatier at the Gaming & Leisure Roundtable: IT Automation Makes Life Easier
Gaming & Leisure challenges. Recently we had the opportunity to attend the Gaming and Leisure Roundtable in Las Vegas. The event, put on by the Gaming and Leisure Magazine, is unique in that CIOs and other C-level executives from gaming organizations around the world gather at a forum to speak candidly about key issues and challenges.…
At the Crossroads of Microsoft Active Directory, Identity Management and NERC Compliance Software
NERC compliance gatekeeper. Yesterday, many of you probably read about Entergy Corporation ETR announcing its plan to close and decommission the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power Station. With the closing, Entergy explained the decision was driven by sustained low power prices, high cost structure and prospective for a heavily regulated wholesale electricity market. I couldn’t help…
The Complex Process of Keeping Access Governance Software Simple
Access governance security and compliance. With the rapid growth of the access governance software market, you would think that access certification issues would be a thing of the past. Unfortunately, most solutions are missing the boat because they are either cumbersome to use or they are niche solutions that do not integrate with target systems…
The Insidious Insider: How Compliance Management Software Smacks Down the Threat from Within
Pay attention to internal threats. Most companies know that it’s important to pay close attention to protecting proprietary data. They develop and implement policies, procedures and protocols to ensure that their data won’t land in the wrong hands. They install firewall software to fortify data and cyber security. And then they sit back, confident that they’re…
Harry Potter and the Gartner Identity Management Magic Quadrant
Riddikulus! What’s so "magic" about the Gartner Identity Management Magic Quadrant? The Identity & Access Governance Management Magic Quadrant was just released and it’s not a "wand waver" by any stretch of the imagination. And that’s the point. If you go with the Leaders in this quadrant, are you really getting any imagination, creativity, or innovation or are…
Keeping Your Ducks in a Row: Managing Governance Risk and Compliance
GRC software alignment. We all feel more comfortable and sleep better at night when we know that our ducks are in a row. We feel in control, confident, organized and secure. Where does this expression come from? Before traveling over land or water, mother ducks corral their young into manageable, straight lines. Any stragglers, escapees or…
ISACA Cloud Security Blog
ISACA addresses critical issues head on. Cloud security continues to be a hot topic in the information security world, and a recent ISACA webinar reaffirmed the fact that identity management is more critical than ever as services shift from on-premise to cloud-based solutions. One particular presentation stood out during the ISACA webinar for the three aspects…
Access Certification Software: It’s (Not) Too Good to Be True: Top 10 Features
Cost saving compliance. Today’s business world doesn’t work Monday through Friday from 9-to-5 and neither do those who threaten the compliance needs of businesses. Whether it’s an organization’s own employees accessing data for which they are not authorized or outside sources attempting to smear their good names, those responsible for identity and access management need…
Cyber Security: How to Cover Your SaaS
Reach for SaaS cyber security. While attending various conferences, roundtables and other information security gatherings, a common theme that often presents itself is the concern over security of software-as-a-service (SaaS) vendors. Another common theme seems to be that IT cyber security teams are either very confident with how they are managing this particular “cloud” risk…
Solid Cyber Security Takeaways from ISSA Chapter
ISSA IT security experts gather. I recently attended my local ISSA chapter meeting, and there were some key takeaways relating to successful cyber security management practices amongst the group. In order to enlighten blog readers, I thought I would highlight some of the successful practices to hopefully inspire others out there to up their game.…
Top 10 Cyber Security Software Hacks on Santa’s 2012 Most Naughty List
Top holiday cyber security hacks. Here we are, one year older and one year wiser when it comes to cyber security software, but unfortunately it seems those who mean to undermine cyber security systems have also grown. While there seemed to be a lot more high profile attacks on government and private business in 2011,…
8 Ways "Group Requester" Can Knockout Group Management Software Cyber Security Risks
Group management software knockout. Former boxing champion Manny Pacquiao found out last weekend in his bout with Juan Manuel Marquez that it takes just one blow to bring positive plans to a crashing end. Pacquiao went into the fight having defeated Marquez three out of four times and with future championship bouts in his sights.…
A Corporate Cyber Security Risks Wish List
IT security greeting. God rest ye merry IT men, let nothing you dismay; Remember hackers’ prime season began on Black Fri-day… While Avatier shows off its new access certification tool, Compliance Auditor, at the annual Gartner Identity and Access Management (IAM) Summit next week, a special group of people around the world is busy preparing…
After Turkey Day Avatier Goes for "All the Fixin’s" at Gartner Identity Management Summit
Gartner IAM Las Vegas. This week, hearts and minds across the U.S. are focused on the upcoming Thanksgiving holiday and all that it offers — giving thanks, being with family and eating lots and lots of turkey with all the fixin’s. While we at Avatier join others in these thoughts, in the backs of our…
Avatier to Launch New Compliance Auditor Access Certification Software at Gartner
Audit any system, asset, network any time anywhere. The Gartner Identity and Access Management (IAM) Summit, one of the most influential events in the IAM industry, is just over one week away. Avatier has already released an announcement about their latest access certification software that it plans to launch at the show. Avatier, which will…
Top 5 Cyber Security Access Certification Measures to Rock the Online Vote
Access certification and the future of voting. Last week our country voted to keep a president and change our congress… and not a single shot was fired in anger to do it. I’ve been enthralled by the seamlessness of this process since a very young age. By 9 years old, I was already pouring over…
BYOD Compliance Risk Management 4 the GOV?
BYOD compliance and risk headaches. When it comes to government, everybody talks about the “movers and shakers” — the people who make things happen. When it comes to technology in government today, though, the thing that’s “moving” is the growth of mobile use and what is “shaking” that up is the rapid increase of BYOD…
CIOs Heads Not in the Cyber Security Cloud
Cyber Security Threats: Is World War III Upon Us?
Eminent cyber security threats. Albert Einstein once said, "I know not with what weapons World War III will be fought, but World War IV will be fought with sticks and stones." Ever a man ahead of his time, were he alive today it’s likely the only thing he would change about his statement would be…
KuppingerCole ‘Compass’ Points to Identity Management Software Innovator
KuppingerCole recognizes innovation. Innovation is one of Avatier’s core values and a key to its cyber security strategy in identity management software. But it’s one thing to tell people you’re innovative; it’s another thing all together to have an expert in the identity management software field confirm it. That’s what happened last week when KuppingerCole,…
5 Steps for implementing a BYOD identity governance solution
BYOD access provisioning. I began writing about technology systems at the dawn of the handheld era. The first time I ever wrote about the use of a mobile device in the workplace was in regard to an unwieldy piece of hardware with a monochromatic screen used by nurses for bedside documentation of patients’ vital signs…
Identity and Access Management (IAM) Integration Reaches for the Cloud
IAM in the cloud. I confess that I’ve been around the Tech industry long enough (i.e., the 1990’s) to recall when "working from home" was not an easy thing to do. For most companies back then, when an employee wanted to work from home he or she usually did not have a way to connect…
Reviewer Calls Avatier’s Identity and Access Management Software Suite ‘A Remarkable Offering’
Best identity manager. SC Magazine, one of the most highly regarded publications covering the IT cyber security space, recently published a review of Avatier’s Identity and Access Management (AIMS) Software Suite. The suite, which is Avatier’s main identity and access management software product and incorporates products for user provisioning, password management, governance risk compliance, and…
Ask Not What Your Access Governance Software Can Do for You…
Bank on access governance software. When it comes to identity and access governance software, businesses need to take a cue from President John F. Kennedy’s first inaugural address. In one of the most famous lines ever uttered by an incoming president, Kennedy spoke the immortal words, "Ask not what your country can do for you;…
There is No "One Size Fits All" Solution to Cyber Security Incident Response
Cyber security incident response on shaky ground. When speaking of “an ounce of prevention” is worth more than “a pound of cure” it is unlikely that you will find many who disagree with the sentiment and the IT world seems to have taken this concept as its personal mantra. New technologies and system updates are…
Bring Your Own Identity and Access Governance?
A manager’s identity and access governance duties. I think that a lot of people out there are familiar with the concept of BYOD or "Bring Your Own Device", even if they don’t consciously realize it. I had never heard the term until very recently and realized that I had been using my personal smartphone at work…
Once More Into the Identity and Access Governance Breach
An access governance breach. Another breach… more lost passwords. The recent LinkedIn and eHarmony security breaches once again remind us that our online information and cyber security is always at risk of compromise. While this blog could focus in on a number of different IT cyber security threats relating to both company reactions (such as Incident response,…